Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blog Kick-off

Welcome to my blog, a line of communication created to update interested stakeholders on the work of the Homestead Schedule Study Team (HSST), a group of administrators, School Board members, faculty, students and parents charged with investigating cost-neutral alternatives to the current bell schedule here at Homestead.

As time is one of the greatest commodities in education, decisions about how we organize it are of high interest to nearly everyone connected with a school.  With that thought in mind, I created this blog, a tool that will allow individuals throughout the Homestead community to remain updated on our schedule study and recommendation process.  While parents, students, and faculty/staff members will have plenty of opportunities for face-to-face conversation about this topic, the blog is just one more tool that can allow people to remain informed about this work.

Thanks in advance for checking this blog regularly.  Please consider marking it as a favorite--without a doubt, it will be a spot of interest for many of you in the coming months.